The fastest way to get to Lago Agrio from Baños?

The fastest way to get to Lago Agrio from Baños?


The best way to travel is by taking the night bus from Baños to Lago Agrio. The bus company “Transportes Baños” has shifts every night at 10:45 p.m. and it takes 8-9 hours to get to Lago Agrio and costs $17 USD.


When you arrive at the bus terminal in Lago Agrio, you must take a taxi to go to the Meeting Point "Magic Paradise", at 09:30AM our guide and transportation will be there and that is the beginnig of our services.  

If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp: +593 99 543 293

We will gladly help you in this next adventure to Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve.