How to get to Lago Agrio (Cuyabeno) from Guayaquil?

Green Forest Ecolodge gives you an escape to experience the natural wonders that the Ecuadorian Amazon has to offer. The Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve is home to an abundance of animals, including tapirs, caimans, anacondas and countless species of birds. With the Amazon rainforest as a backdrop and the magnificent Cuyabeno River at our doorstep, Green Forest Ecolodge is the closest experience you can witness in the Amazon rainforest.

From Guayaquil you must take a bus at the Terminal Terrestre De Guayaquil that will take you to the city of Lago Agrio.

Departure "Baños Cooperative":

- 13:30 pm

- 18:30 pm

Price: 24,5 USD

Daily departures

Once in the city of Lago Agrio you must take a bus to Cuyabeno (Cuyabeno Bridge) where we will take a canoe that will take us directly to the Green Forest Ecolodge.


The travel from Guayaquil (Terminal Terrestre De Guayaquil) to Lago Agrio takes 15 hours approximately, taking into account the transfer in Quito (Terminal Terrestre Quitumbe).


Upon arrival in Lago Agrio you must take a taxi to our meeting point (Magic Paradise) where Green Forest Ecolodge staff will wait for you and then direct you to our transport and consequently to our lodge.